Rotary Clubs of North Stafford and Stafford Help Reduce Student Meal Debt

By Tracy McPeck, North Stafford
Members of the North Stafford and Stafford Rotary clubs presented the Stafford County School Board with the proceeds from the raffle held at Via Colori® Stafford in September. Organized by Rotarians Lena Gonzalez Berrios and Roberta Schreiber, the raffle consisted of generous donations of goods from community members and businesses, with proceeds benefiting Stafford County Public Schools’ Stafford in Action Week, dedicated to combating hunger and reducing student meal debt.
The $1,000 check was presented to Stafford School Board Chair Maureen Siegmund by Nikki Jackson, Family and Community Relations Coordinator for Stafford County Public Schools and Stafford Rotary Club member; Dr. Cheri Maea, Stafford Rotary Club; and Roberta Schreiber, North Stafford Rotary Club. Additional funds raised through generous sponsorships of Via Colori® Stafford will be presented to the Stafford School Board in support of Stafford in Action Week at a later date.
Photo, left to right: Nikki Jackson, Maureen Siegmund, Cheri Maea, Roberta Schreiber